
PVC End Caps for Pipes

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Price: $0.42
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White Circular PVC Pipe End Caps for insulated pipes. These plastic pipe caps are placed anywhere a pipe ends to enclose the insulation and ensure a vapor barrier.  PVC Pipe End Caps are also very popular in pipe size reductions (reducing) by covering the exposed fiberglass insulation of the larger pipe size.  PVC End Drain Caps can be cut from the oustide of the circle into the center (cut circle same diameter of the smaller pipe insulation).

PVC End Caps come pre-slit from the manufacturer for easy install.

 Use the link below to view the PVC Sizing Charts to see what size PVC end cap for pipe fitting you need.  The PVC Fitting Size is based on both the size of the pipe and the thickness of the insulation.

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  • 5
    PVC end cap

    Posted by Unknown on 28th Jan 2018

    Easy to install. Fit very well. Came with alot of insulation. Recommend buying the special pins to secure the cover.

  • 4
    Great way to finish the job.

    Posted by Steve M on 10th Apr 2016

    I like all the PVC products to finish the job. Good way to end the insulation next to a pump or valve. Real low prices makes them great.